Despite the fact that treating hearing loss with hearing aids has been shown to improve communication in relationships, earning power, social participation, emotional stability and overall quality of life, few people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them.
This is true even among the population of people who already owns hearing aids. A study by researchers at the University of Manchester found that 20% of people who own hearing aids never wear them, and 30% only wear them only some of the time.
If you’re one of these people, a visit to your audiologist may be all you need to get you wearing your devices once again.
Do You Feel Like Your Hearing Aids Aren’t Effective?
If you feel like your hearing aids simply aren’t effective in environments like the Lark Santa Barbara, they may need to be reprogrammed. Keep in mind, the initial programming of your devices was based on the results of your hearing test, which took place in a soundproof booth. Real-world situations require different settings. This is why attending follow-up appointments is so important when it comes to successful outcomes with hearing aids.
Do Your Hearing Aids Feel Uncomfortable?
If your hearing aids feel physically uncomfortable, you may need a new earmold. Our ears grow and change as we age, and what fit once may not feel comfortable anymore. During a visit to your audiologist, new impressions can be taken. If your skin is sensitive to the material used for your current earmolds, a different one can be used for your new ones.
Do You Feel Self-Conscious Wearing Your Hearing Aids?
If you feel self-conscious or embarrassed about wearing your hearing aids, know that wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular. From smartwatches to wireless earbuds, it’s likely that nobody will think twice about the technology sitting your ears. If your devices are big, bulky and outdated, it may be time to upgrade. Talk to your audiologist about today’s latest devices, which are built to be small, sleek and discreet.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with your audiologist, call Hearing Services of Santa Barbara today.