Facts About Seniors & Hearing Loss
Hearing loss caused by advanced age, known as presbycusis, is the most common form of hearing loss. In fact, according to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, “[Hearing loss] is estimated to affect approximately two-thirds of Americans aged 70 or older.” Below, we review facts about seniors and hearing loss. What Causes…
How Severe Is Your Hearing Loss?
According to a study on the prevalence of hearing loss severity in the U.S. published in the American Journal of Public Health, “An estimated 25.4 million, 10.7 million, 1.8 million, and 0.4 million U.S. residents aged 12 years or older, respectively, have mild, moderate, severe, and profound better-ear hearing loss.” In this post, we review…
Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids
When planning a trip, you might not immediately consider the extra care required for your hearing aids. However, with some foresight and preparation, you can avoid complications and ensure a smooth journey. Nearly 28.8 million Americans can benefit from using hearing aids, so read along to learn helpful tips for those who utilize them. Before…
Ice Skating and Hearing Aids: What to Know
Ice skating is a great way to bond with family and friends or share a romantic evening with your partner. The sound of blades slicing through the ice and the joy of spinning around make for unforgettable memories. But if you wear hearing aids, you might wonder how the cold weather and activity will impact…
Hearing Loss in Teens: Warning Signs To Watch For
Approximately 5.2 million children and teens between the ages of six and 19 have noise-related hearing loss. As your child enters their teen years, the constant presence of headphones, noisy stereos, concerts at the Santa Barbara Bowl and booming action movies could put them at risk of noise-induced hearing loss. In addition to noise-related causes,…
Sending My Child to School With Hearing Aids: What To Expect
As the back-to-school season approaches, parents are busy shopping for supplies, choosing the perfect first-day outfit and attending parent-teacher meetings. For parents of children with hearing loss, there are additional steps to ensure a smooth transition into the school year. Let’s explore some essential tips to help your child head back to school confidently, equipped…
The Importance of Early Hearing Loss Detection
Hearing allows you to connect with your loved ones, get involved at work and enjoy a better quality of life. With all the joy hearing can bring, it may surprise you to learn that only about one in five people with sensorineural (inner ear) hearing loss seek help. Many people avoid seeking treatment because they…
How to Prepare for Hospital Stays with Hearing Loss
A hospital stay can be an uncertain experience for anyone, but for individuals with hearing loss, it can present additional challenges. Effective communication is important during hospital stays and in a healthcare setting. By preparing adequately, you can help ensure you receive the best care possible. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for…
Signs of Hearing Loss in Toddlers and Young Children
Hearing loss can significantly impact a child’s ability to develop speech, language and social skills. The earlier hearing loss is detected and treated, the more effective it will be in aiding a child’s language development. Recognizing the signs early in your child’s life can be crucial to effectively managing and treating their condition. Types of…
What To Know About Selective Attention Hearing
You may have heard the phrase “selective hearing” used negatively to describe a person only hearing what they want to hear. While similar in title and often used interchangeably, selective attention hearing means something a little different. Selective attention hearing, also called the “cocktail party effect,” refers to a person’s ability to isolate and focus…